About Us

At Chemovar, our aim is to revolutionize the terpene and aromatic industry by combining our unique methodology to formulate our terpene blends based on our expertise on the various aroma molecules the world has to offer. Our name, Chemovar, is derived from the specific chemical composition of a botanical species, also sometimes known as its chemotype.

Our Methodology

The chemovar of a plant varies in the same way that the phenotype does. This is based on a combination of both its environmental and genetic factors, resulting in a unique chemical expression.

How does that influence our process? 

When it comes to aromatic molecules, the chemical aroma profile of an orange grown in California is different than one that is grown in Florida. This is in part due to the differences in climates. Certain climates around the world will influence different types of botanical sources in a similar manner, resulting in various exotic aromatic molecules. This can be seen, by examining several species of botanicals in Australia and their notably increased production of certain sesquiterpenes.

Our talented team combines existing data with our own research in order to formulate an aromatic profile that takes into account the climate in which a botanical is naturally grown. Additionally, we perform an extensive organoleptic analysis in order to fine tune our formulas. This leads us to create unique profiles you wouldn't find anywhere else.