Suggested Usage

We know that the formulation process can be an extensive and tedious one, with the best products requiring the most care and attention to perfect. To assist you with this, we have developed a range of suggested mixing ratios to use as an effective starting point for your products.


Suggested Mixing Ratios

Botanical Profiles: 5% - 7%

Exotics: 5% - 6%

Medleys: 5% - 7%

Mash-ups: 6% - 8%

Freeze Flavors (Pineapple Freeze, Cherry Freeze, etc): 8% - 10%

Brain Freeze: 2% - 4% 

  • add to distillate with desired terpene strain or flavor to create icy/menthol effect

Free Flow: 2% - 5% (depending on distillate type)

  • odorless and tasteless 
  • add to distillate to lower distillate viscosity get your distillate moving freely 
  • mix in desired terpenes

Please keep in mind these percentages are suggestions. Ratios are subject to change depending on distillate type, and device. 

Happy Mixing!!

-Chemovar Team